“Of all the perils that we withstood, we never imagined that this would be one of them."
From an early age, all Dan wanted to be was a police officer. In fact, his mom still has the letter he wrote for a school assignment about his dream job:
to be the police chief of the small town where he grew up.
Dan was not quite 21 years old when he hired on the Dallas Police
Department in 1979. After serving for a time in patrol as a rookie, he and a female
officer were tapped to be undercover officers in a Dallas high school. It was the first operation in Dallas of its
kind and tensions were high. The two young officers did an outstanding job,
making quite a few arrests along the way.
Not long after that assignment, Dan became a member of the
undercover world again, this time on the streets in narcotics.
“This is a position that isolates you from your friends and family,”
said his wife Diane. “You don’t look like yourself and cannot act like
yourself. If you aren’t careful, it can
eat away at you. He could not always go home, but instead stayed in an
undercover apartment.”
“There is no normal home life,” his wife said. “When you do see your
family, they don’t know who you are anymore. The chances of a deal going bad
and someone getting hurt are really high. It is an assignment that takes a
toll. “
Dan’s career continued and he made patrol sergeant.
“He loved working in patrol. It was his first love,” she said. “He
wanted to make sure that citizens weren’t afraid. He wanted to chase bad guys.”
In his 32 year career, Dan established the K9 bomb dog unit at Love
Field. A unit that, while he was its
supervisor, never failed a TSA evaluation. He mentored many young officers
along the way. He also created FIT (field intelligence teams) that supported
the patrol units during major events.
He retired in June of 2011.
“I made a decent living, so we deferred most of his salary to the
DROP account, thinking we would need that money more in our later years,” Diane
said. “About a year after he retired, I was diagnosed with cancer. Thank God he
was retired, because he did everything and I do mean everything. Every appointment, every surgery, every day,
he was there for me. Just like he was
there for his troops and for the citizens of Dallas.”
And now, after all that, she
said, “We are being told that all the money we had saved --which is absolutely not
millions --will be taken. That the pension that he thought he has secured for
his family may not be there after all.”
Dan like his fellow officers isn’t eligible for Social Security.
And like many of his fellow officers, Dan “is too beat up from the rigors of the job
to even contemplate getting a new one now,” his wife said. “And why should he
need to? He gave it all to the City of Dallas. It’s time for the city to stand
up, man up, and stand by their police and firefighters.”
Citizens need to learn the true facts and not be misled by the propaganda being disseminated by the Taxpayers For A Fair Pension and those who helped create this disaster, she said.
Dan and Diane's situation remains tenuous.
“Like many of our colleagues, the plan at the end of the year was to
take what we needed to pay property and income tax from the pension in a lump
sum withdrawal--except that option wasn’t available to us this year,” Diane said. “So, we scrambled and are scrambling to make payments, cover bills, make
ends meet.”
If Diane were not still working, she said, they may have lost their home. Her plans to retire in the next five years have been put on hold.
"Frighteningly, that
prospect is not off the table," she said. "What an insulting way to treat those who put
their very lives on the line every day for decades.”
#PoundOfFlesh, #savethepension, #backtheblue
The Dallas officers who served the city of Dallas have always been underpaid, and Dan is characteristic of those officers. There exists a contract between the city ans its Dallas officers concerning their retirement pension but now the city does not want to honor that contract. Yes the city will bring up arguments about not having any money to resolve the issue. But, seriously, when have you ever seen the City of Dallas without money? All you have to do is drive downtown and look around at the abundance of its affluence. The argument of "no money" is tired and disingenuous. There are methods by which the retirement conundrum can be resolved but Mike Rawlings refuses to do so. He would rather fool the citizens of Dallas and spend money in a folly called a Trinity River Park and a Tollway. Would you build a house in a flood plain? And by the way, can the Dallas citizen of average income means afford to consistently drive expensive tollways...roads meant for the rich? Officers like Dan have added enormously to the substance called Dallas. Its time to support those Dallas officers!
Can anyone be more deserving of public support than Dan and his wife? They are simply one family among thousands of Police and Fire families who served honorably and at great sacrifice. Is Dallas without a heart?
The Police and Fire pensioners deserve the benefits they were promised and the Mayor and all other City Officials in position to influence the underfunding problem should insure they receive those benefits. It’s not simply a monetary issue. It is a moral and ethical issue, and the Mayor should do what is right. The Police Department is losing officers in unprecedented numbers, and the pension issue is the driving force behind their loss. Is the Mayor going to foolishly allow the City of Dallas to become a haven for criminals? Watch crime statistics climb while Mayor Rawlings continues to attack the pensioners' benefits: pensioners who did nothing wrong.
Pensioners did not influence the down turn in the economy that drove the value of the Police and Fire Pension fund down 23% in 2008, and pensioners did not appoint the full Board. There are four Mayor-appointed City Council Members serving on the Pension Board. Pensioners have only two votes on the Board. Where was the concern of the Mayor and City Council Board members when the economy began to impact the Fund? Who failed in meet their fiduciary responsibilities? Not the pensioners. Who hired the Pension Fund manager? Not the pensioners. Pensioners did not adopt the DROP Plan. The City adopted the Plan, because it initially saved the City a fortune in recruiting, hiring, training costs and long term pension benefits! DROP was self-sustaining until 2008.
Active employees of the Police and Fire Departments have voted several times since 2008 to reduce their pension/DROP benefits. Where were City officials during that period? They were nowhere to be seen, but they are controlling the Pension fund now, attacking and threatening the pensioners’ financial wellbeing. Mayor Rawlings has voiced threats to the detriment of the fund and caused the “runs on the bank” (a $500 million loss). Was he trying to drive the Fund to failure?
The Police and Fire pensioners have reason to be angry, but the citizens of Dallas have no reason to be angry with the pensioners. Citizens certainly have good reasons to be angry with City management. The City of Dallas can afford to save the Police and Fire Pension Fund, and it should do so. The City is not going broke, and the issue is not all about money………
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