Mayor Mike Rawlings and his Taxpayers for a Fair Pension are no friends of Dallas police and firefighters.
Their mission is simple:
To fix the Dallas Police and Fire Pension fund on the backs of its first
responders without the city shouldering any burden.
Instead of negotiating
in good faith with our police and firefighters, Mayor Rawlings has launched a
formidable, well-funded attack against these brave first responders calling for
the legislature to authorize a new pension system, a clawback of money already
earned as well as significant benefit cuts.
The “clawback” feature
garnishes money from pensioners’ checks–stealing money already earned from first
responder retirement accounts. It’s tantamount to going to your bank to
withdraw your money from your account and the bank telling you, “No.”
The associations
representing active and retired police and firefighters have negotiated in good
faith. City leaders have not. Instead, they have made an orchestrated attempt
to bring the fund to the brink of disaster. To allow city leaders to gain
control of the fund would be catastrophic.
The city and its leadership have shown they cannot be trusted. They have
never kept their promises to their first responders regarding pay compensation
and pension matters. Only the courts have held the city accountable.
Look at all the previous money spent, missing or squandered.
The $420 million plus for the Trinity River Corridor Project. The $5 million Trinity
River Dallas Wave and the estimated $3 million price tag to remove it. The $182
million price tag for the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge. The
almost $30 million in federal HUD money unaccounted for by the city.
The list is endless.
Mayor Rawlings and his cronies say
the city must take over the fund because they have had no control over it. But
with four city members on the
pension board, the city has had oversight. City leaders approved every
provision of the pension and DROP program.
while city leaders were willing to issue $535 million in pension obligation
bonds for the city’s civilian pension, Mayor Rawlings refuses to do anything
for its first responders.
Rawlings wants you to
believe our first responders became rich from DROP, but the vast majority do
not have millions in their accounts. They merely have enough to live with
dignity (not extravagantly) and pay their bills in their twilight years. In the
mid-90s, the city designed DROP to stop first responders from leaving the city
for better employment. DROP ensured that while the city would not pay these
brave souls an equitable salary, DROP would see them through their retirement
Every active and retired
police officer and firefighter faithfully kept their promises to the city. They
answered every call. July 7th serves as a grim reminder of the sacrifices made so
that the city of Dallas and its citizens can prosper.
Your first responders
need your help. Now is the time to answer the call and make City Hall keep its
promises to preserve the police and fire pension. Tell City Hall and Austin and
that you do not support the clawback and you do not support the Mayor’s
Taxpayers for a Fair Pension Plan. Tell them you support the compromise plan from the active and retired
Dallas police and firefighters groups.
With all the rhetoric
bantered about, it’s probably difficult to determine the truth.
The bottom line, though,
is really quite simple: Who do you trust with your life? City Hall with its politicians and business
cronies? Or your police and
This battle has been so one-sided in the media against retirees! Shame on the City of Dallas & especially Mayor Rawlings & his cronies!
Maybe it's time for a Major Negative Campaign show how the COD treats First Responders. When they can't get new employees to replace the ones leaving then maybe they will get the message.
Looks to me like it is time for a Major NEGATIVE Campaign against the hiring of any future First Responders for the Shitty of Dallas. What are we waiting for?
For some reason, the Mayor has declared war on retired Police and Firefighters. Calling them "greedy, and selfish", while calling for the retirees to provide a "pound of flesh". I find his whole argument to be based on half truths, and outright lies.
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